Wednesday 2 January 2013

Projects for 2013

Right then, I hope you've all recovered from celebrating the new year and are eager to get back to your brushes and gaming tables. With 2012 all in the books it's time to look forward and set some goals for 2013. I've already talked about two of them in my 2012 in retrospect post: keep updating the blog once a week and play 26 games during the year. Those should be fairly easy I think.

As for actual projects there are three I'm planning to do, in the following order:

French and Indian Wars

As reported by Dalauppror we will both do a starter force for Muskets and Tomahawks. He has opted to do an all indian force – Mohawks, who conveniently was allied to the British – while I'm going to do the French. We will start with 200 points each, and if the game proves fun we'll probably expand our forces up to 400, and then maybe even 600 points. We're also keen to try out "La Longue Carabine", the FIW supplement for Sharpe Practice, but that will have to wait until we have enough miniatures painted (I'm guessing around 40-ish each should do).

The miniatures for my French arrived before Christmas, and I have started painting the first unit. This should be a fairly quick project, or at least the first part of it, as there's only 22 models in the starter force.

Baltic Crusades

Yes, I've been lured into Dalauppror's exciting Baltic Crusades project! Actually, I had plans to do this myself before I got in contact with him, and started to read up on the period before the project was put on hold in favour of other things. But now when we got talking about it, it wasn't too hard to convince me to jump aboard this one.

I will be doing a force from the Swedish archenemy of the period – the republic of Novgorod – and I'm very much looking forward to this, not in the least because the models are really cool and it will be my first time doing a winter-themed army. Also, it will be great fun to try out Dan Merseys upcoming rules, Lion Rampant, as I really enjoyed his Dux Bellorum.

Dark Ages Raiders

Back to the Dark Ages then. I'm going to do a force from the forthcoming Raiders supplement for Dux Britanniarum, but I'm not telling which just yet. All the miniatures are purchased, and the force will also contain some fun "bonus stuff" to add a bit of extra character. This project was originally planned for December, but as the Welsh dragged on (and got interrupted from time to time) it got pushed back (on the other hand, the supplement hasn't been released yet so I'm in no hurry).

Well, I think that's more than enough for now! Of course, I have a couple of more projects that I want to do, but in the small chance I get the time to start them this year they will have to be a bonus surprise for you all ...


  1. Novgorod, you say? Hmmm, I might have to add you to my blogroll...

  2. I'll look forward to the Novgorod and Baltic Crusades projects, I don't know too much about either of these.

  3. Good luck with your projects for 2013!
    The FIW in particular will be very interesting. I've read some into that subject myself. There is something aestetically very appealing with those (french) white uniforms and dense heavy forests. Some very interesting clashes with fancy dress and practical needs, as with the Companie the la Marine.

  4. Thanks guys!

    To start, I will be doing a French "wilderness force" for FIW, with the Compagnie de la marines all in different native garments such as capotes, mitasses etc using Northstar's superb miniatures. So no white uniforms in the first batch I'm afraid. Might add some regulars later though, but as I'm quite fond of the ragtag look maybe I'll continue this theme through the whole force.

  5. A good to do list for 2013:)

    Glad to have lured you int o the baltic Crusade but you on the other hand started the FIW project;)

    best regards Michael
