Monday, 10 November 2014

WSS #75

On Friday I received the new issue of Wargames, Soldiers & Strategy. An issue which is of special interest to me, not only because this time the theme is the Thirty Years Wars – an era I have long wanted to take a closer look at, but the timing has never been right (too much other stuff going on) – but also because it features an article by my good mate Dalauppror on the Danish invasion of the island Gotland in 1361. The fact that it even made the cover is fantastic!

This really is an excellent feature, with a comprehensive historical background, lots of nice pictures of lovely painted Danes and four scenarios for Lion Rampant that could be easily adapted to your rules of choice. It's well worth checking out by anyone with the slightest interest in Scandinavian medieval history.

I have contributed by some proof-reading and help in play testing the scenarios, as well as lending parts of my Dark Ages collection to be used as Gutes. If I had known the miniatures would end up on the front cover of WSS 2,5 years later I would have spent some more time on them ...

Anyway, this is not my show but all Dalauppror's – nice work mate and congratulations!


  1. Thank you very much Jonas i'm much honoured by you blogpost. The article would never been if it wasn't for all you help! Much appreciated! Especialy the your lovely painted minis!!!
    Best regards Michael

  2. Thirty Years Wars? Please don't tempt me! Nice looking issue...

  3. Looking forward to reading the mag!

  4. It all did look very nice on my tablet!


  5. I'll tip my hat to both of you, great work and a well deserved feature in WSS Magazine.
    Thirty Years War - :0) yes, please! Already got the incredible dramatic Gustavus figure from Warlord painted up - and I've also got all the minis in stock to build two armies. We'll put it up there on the wish list for future completion, right :0)

  6. Congrat's on having your fig's on the cover Jonas!

  7. Cheers everyone! I hope you'll like the mag and the article in particular.
