Sunday, 25 August 2013

Pictish Raiders 7

This is the finished skirmish cavalry for my Pictish raiders force for Dux Britanniarum. The miniatures are a mix of Black Tree Design and Westwind.


In reality, I imagine the Picts would have ridden sturdy ponies, but since these horse models are a bit on the small side they look OK to me.

As usual, the shield transfers are from Little Big Men Studios.

The BTD cavalry are as nice as the rest of the range, but unfortunately there's only three poses and they're all a bit static. A couple of more sculpts with more animation would have been nice.

With these skirmishers done it's just a couple of characters left before the whole force is finished. Nice!

Oh, and another thing: it seems this blog reached 10 000 total hits sometime during the last weekend, which of course is a very nice milestone. Back in April the total hits reached 5 000, which was some 15 months after I started. Well, it certainly seems the monthly hits are increasing as the next 5 000 was reached in just 4,5 months. Of course, counting hits is a fairly blunt instrument when gauging how your website is doing, but at least it gives you some indication ...

Anyway, I just want to say a big "Thank you!" to all visitors, especially if you're not a Russian spambot and also if you took the time to comment on one of the posts.

Have a great week everyone and thanks for reading!


  1. Congrats on the hits and the great work on those Picts!

  2. Love 'em! The skin tones are wonderful and the basing is perfect for these. Looking forward to seeing them in a DB AAR.

    1. Thanks Monty! I'm of course too looking forward to seeing them on the tabletop. Hopefully soon!

  3. Very nice minis...and congrats!

  4. Great minis, and good job on the milestone!

  5. Congrats on hitting a milestone and the figures look great!


  6. Congrats on the milestone. Well earned.

  7. Congrats on hitting 10k. The cavalry looks great. I am looking forward to reading your AARs with these.

    1. Thank you Chris! I'm looking forward to trying them out in a game. Just need to get the rules for them first ... ;)

  8. Those are great! I am doing picts now too. Black Tree design for the infantry, and an order placed for West Wind cavalry. You can see my romano british on my blog.

  9. Thanks Emilio! The BTD and Westwind Picts are great models, actually I prefer them to Gripping Beast (even if those are nice too).

    Your RB looks great! I'm looking forward to seeing your Picts!

  10. Thanks Jonas. Only three picts painted... Not too much time for painting, sadly.
