Wednesday 14 November 2012

Vikings WIP

These past weeks have been very busy with "real life" issues as the end of my paternity leave looms closer and I'm getting ready to go back to work (I still have all of December off as well though). As a result I haven't managed to take some pictures of the finished Wild West posses. What hobby time I've managed to scrape together have been spent painting some reinforcements for my Viking warband for Saga to bring the total points up to six. As I haven't had any luck with the tricky Anglo-Saxons in the league I'm playing in (four straight losses and a place firmly at the bottom of the list), for my last couple of matches I have decided to try the more straightforward Vikings.

Here are some WIP shots of the two new units: one unit of Hearthguards and one unit of Warriors. As usual – click for bigger pictures. A word of warning though: They are even more speed-painted than usual, and so look quite sloppy up close. 




The Hearthguards are Crusader Miniatures, and the Warriors are from Artizan Designs.

I'm working on the shields right now, and then it's the usual last steps before the models are completely done: varnishing and some tufts etc for the bases. As I want to get back to painting the Welsh I'm quite keen to get these vikings finished as soon as possible .

Before I leave you this time, please let me welcome my new followers: Barks, Captain Richard's miniature Civil War and EinarOlafson.

Many thanks for joining up, and I hope you'll enjoy reading about my various projects.


  1. They look fine, surpasses the "table-top standard".

    I feel for you and the "real life-itist", I haven't lifted a brush in two weeks due to heavier then normal work schedule.

  2. Very good looking Vikings so far jonas !

    Looking forward to meet them with my victorious Anglo-saxons;)

    best regards Michael

  3. Cheers guys, much appreciated!

    Just the shields for the hearthguards left before it's varnishing time ...

  4. Nothing sloopy about these? They look great!

  5. Thanks Michael, that's very kind of you! :)
