1. Gripping Beast. I ordered my anglo-danish warband from Maelstrom Games but discovered one of the huscarls with daneaxe was missing in the pack (I got an ordinary hurcarl instead). I could have contacted Maelstrom Games and sorted something out, but reasoning it would probably be easier I e-mailed Gripping Beast and asked if it would be possible to buy just a single miniature from them. They very kindly responded and offered to send the missing figure free of charge and it arrived within a week.
Here he is, waiting for the glue to dry on the base before I attach the axe and undercoat him.
Service such as this should of course be encouraged, and I now ponder what to order from GB ...
Here are the miniatures I ordered – all to be used in my Old West project (well, except the pirate of course) – and the resin Pat Garrett.
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